
Maw Of The Kig


Beware his maw, king of the undertow
One who takes the strongest below
Tale of one who creates the thunder
One who took me under too

I'll tell you the story from many years ago
Before we had taken this town for our own
A fearsome monster of the ocean was lurking
Upon the shores of our home

Our crewmen would leave and they'd seldom return
And those who did told of the beast who incurred
The wrath of the gods who lived beneath the sea
The one they only called the king

No one from that city would come to our aid
As our children would suffer day after day
Our supplies would soon drain, only there for their gain
Lack of supply made for a great pay!

No longer could we wait for someone to arrive
We decided that we could no longer stand by
With the strongest of us taking the boldest of us
We'd finally take down the king!

Boom crash! Went the raging storm
Boom crash! As we faced down our foe
Boom crash! Went the tail of the beast
But we are not easy to beat!

Boom crash! As the battle wore on
Boom crash! Our men remained so strong!
Boom crash! But as we thought we'd won
The b-stard he breached and took one of us down

It was darker than night, in the maw of the beast
All I could taste was my blood and the sea
But even as I knew the end was approaching
I knew he was waiting for me

You want to know what I did?
You want to know what I did?
I'll tell you what I did
I screamed louder than lightning burned the king inside out