And the enemy was stricken With a single fatal blow that broke all his rotten bones His body hung upside down A piece of frozen ice Sacrifice for the gods and food for hungry beasts With the advent of spring The remains of meat rot away in the sun And the wolf buries the bones for a hungry day What hatred and contempt had the barbarians for the disfigured carrion That brought ruins, loss, and enslavement Disgusting helpless body, once heavy with grapes and flowers Now smelling with urine and decay And the malicious brood began playing tricks again Weapons were not left in peace Flames devoured the homes of their God But the plague continued to penetrate the air What was easily redeemed by blood Time turned to dust And all those who stubbornly resisted Now rejoice in the festive hall In the seat of the mighty ancient spirits Far above the horizon of the setting sun In the oases of eternal blissful reveries