I need you here with me not way over in a bucket seat i need you to be here with me not way over in a bucket seat but when we're driving in my malibuStick shifts and safetybelts bucket seats have all got to go when we're driving in the car it makes my baby seem so far its easy to get right next to you I say baby, scoot over please and then she's right there next to me i need you here with me not way over in a bucket seat i need you to be here with me not way over in a bucket seat alright, well alotta good cars are japanese yeah, but when we're driving far i need my baby, i need my baby next to me well, Stick shifts and safety belts bucket seats have all got to go when we're driving in the car it makes my baby seem so far i need you here with me not way over in a bucket seat i need you to be here with me not way over in a bucket seat