
In God You Trust


Walking with no angel, with no god in sight. blinded by the ashes, spoke in
Sacred tongues. dying to be saved in this living hell. guided by lies, spread
The disease. poison the weak, possess the mindless, to to live in perfection.
If i am the sinner why is it his blood you thirst? failing to complete there
Contradictions. follow the leader right to the reaper. cover your tracks, wash
All your sins away. begin a new day and destroy it all over again. they can not
Be pleased, you can not succeed. i will not beleive in this, this is a war. god
Has mercy, i dont. take this so sincere when i watch you burn in your hell.
Dying to be saved in this living hell. guided by lies, spread the disease.
Poison the weak, possess the mindless, to live in perfection. tell these ghosts
That the most feeling hey will ever feel is when they realize were already
Dead. failing to answer my questions we will all just fall, fall from grace.
How the fuck can you save me when you cant even save yourself? we will all just
Fall, fall from grace.