The return to the origin - a place where it all began The return to a mindset where everything was new Sumless faces, unknown spaces, different shades Changes like traffic signs on The path back to point zero A scream out of nowhere A story that tells itself A blank page with a deeper sense than any word No expectations External pressure No limits, no breaks, no boundaries Like a virgin Hour of birth Innocent, impartial Making mistakes Going on Walking through bodies Still going on No boundaries at point zero Life is not a circle but a spiral The angle changes with every step We walk along the path A path we call our life And even if we turn around We can't go back Though we keep our origin in mind The spiral makes the stages Reappear - randomly But from a different point of view A change of circumstances A change of personality But in the core - still the same Return to point zero Heart's desire Infeasible - still worthwhile Making mistakes Going on Walking through bodies Still going on No boundaries at point zero Life is not a circle but a spiral While certain feelings recall the start It's impossible to go back Back to point zero Back to point zero