The sunshine still stands lowly over horizon Shadows become longer, twilight appears How the old man finishes his pilgrimage Our nation is tired and used Golden age of our culture came apart into ruins Sarcophagus, heroic epics and memories Sucked to the bones by our own effeminacy Former masters enslaved by their slaves Chorus: I can hear the bells toll The choir of gallows tree The burning of fire of destiny Where are that hands which built Acropolis Where are that brains which observed the Laws of life Creeping worms beseeche for mercy In our lands for which soldiers died Chorus: I can hear the war song Into the cradle of peace The flaming desire of dignity Now the new world's pestilence infects the folk Under the flag of the worshipping the decay Honour, pride and loyalty-insignificant words The glory of our ancestors cursed in the tales of grave Chorus: I can see the rainbow On the darkened skies A bygone greatness will rise Every nation on the rise built the way for its own demise Precedent mistakes, the roots of corruption, defile of blood, self-destruction Breeding to the decay (We are) Breeding to the decay...