Disembarking at Duvalier Airport Seeking transportation to town As the purple ink dried on his passport He could still feel the eyes look around "Messieur ou est le casino?" He spoke to the cabbie and smiled The driver replied "Vieux ou noveaux?" As he motioned the dark man inside. Business in Aruba concluded He now had a little money to spend That's how I came to meet my African friend We were rollin' the bones several hours Conversing as most gamblers do We were calling on all of our powers Hoping to see the night through. But not approving at all of our winning The pit boss he tugged at his sleeve Through the whole thing my new friend was grinning When he motioned it's time we should leave. With our night at the tables behind us We were ready just to do it again That's when I came to know my African Friend But I woke up on the steps of a whorehouse A soldier told me I' better leave As I stumbled to find me a taxi I saw a note pinned to my sleeve. "It was a pleasure and a hell of an evening It was truly our night to win But the authorities insist on my leaving Take care, my American friend." With my weekend at Haiti concluded I now had a little money to spend That's when I came to meet my African friend That's how I came to know another good friend.