Broken Hope

Skin Is In

Broken Hope

Such suffering and sickness 
From a moment of ecstasy 
As your skeletal and noxious body ceases to live 
With this ever growing infection 
Death claims you 

Diseased, you didn't know your lover was diseased 
So hot to get laid, indulge in unprotected sex 
The one you have intercourse with hosts a virus 
Infections blood tainted with HIV 
Passing the contagion on to you 
You are now a member of the modern epidemic 
Intact health was only a condom away 
But you let your guard down for a fatal fuck 
This terminal illness wears your body down 
A virus destroying all of your antibodies 
You are now so susceptible 
A blood test of positive now revealed 
Covered with skin eating fesions 
AIOS hungrily grows at your immune system 
Your T-cell lymphocytes destroyed 
Fatal condition kills slowly 
Too weak to move, breathe, or ever get aroused 
Running ulcers and abscesses wrap your body 
Quarantined to your death bed, you stick to your sheets 
The disease has developed to a most sever state 
Ashes to ashes, genitals to jelly 
Your personal gender soon to fall oil 

An erotic flower decayed at the roots 
Latex could have kept your sex life intact 
Now never again to be hard to wet 
Discharge and drip genitourinary loakage 
Reproductive organs butchered and raw 
The risk for gratification is your epitaph 
Ignorance is bliss and eventually death 
You never gave much thought about tomorrow 
But now as you struggle to try and breathe 
Yesterday is always on your mind now 
And what ever happened to you lethal lay? 
Death through sexual transmission 
You make love to the grim reaper 
This day and age sex kills 
Unknowingly lusting after your demise 
Desire plummeting into the venereal depths 
A coital union with cankerous effects 
Toxic passions, the rapture kills slowly 

Skin is in 
Ashes to ashes, genitals to jelly 
Melting in syphagonnaherpeaids 
The black plague of the 20th century 
Careless promiscuity 
Skin is in 
Diseased disguised behind a beautiful face 
Your terminal venture too late 

Your body cannot summon enough protection 
Against this ever growing infection 
Ravaged by AIDS abominable symptoms and effects 
Death claims you through virtual sex 

An incurable doom from lethal lovemaking 
Such suffering and sickness from a moment of ecstasy 
As your skeletal and noxious body finally ceases to live 
Your lamed mate is begging another victim 
Death through sexual transmission 
You make love to the grim reaper 
Turned on, so anxious to get your rocks off 

Skin is in 
Ashes to ashes, genitals to jelly 
Melting in syphagonnaherpeaids 
The black plague of the 20th century 
Careless promiscuity 
Skin is in 
Diseased disguised behind a beautiful face 
Your terminal venture too late 