Broken Hope

Chewed To Stubs

Broken Hope

Contined to a lightless cell, locked in solitaire 
Denied food and water, a cruel form of punishment 
Expecting me to die, I am never to be fed 
In thirty days the jailers surprised when I'm not dead 
I feed upon myself, my body is my repast 
In gluttony I carouse in my corporeal cuisine 
Taking in nourishment, literally from head to toe 
Aside from the hair and pain the mainn course is great 
Appendages devoured and chewed to stubs 
The trunk of my gnawed body projecting nubs 
My own flesh and pith taste delectable 
As my hunger is satisfied by consuming myself 
As the days roll on I ration on fodder 
Nibbling slowly upon my shoulders and arms 
I have to force myself to self-cannibalize 
On my meaty parts I gormandize 
Swallowing lumps of my personal provisions 
Life prolonged by gorging on my bodily grub 
What is to be the bill-of-fair tonight? 
Will it be my left leg or my right? 
When the captors finally open my sealed cage 
An astonishing, appalling sight they find 
Their prisoner disarticulated and terrible gnashed 
Belly bloated with dissevered bites eaten of my mass 
My nipples bitten off and ground between my teeth 
Now I prepare to dine upon my bloody, severed tongue 
Unable to eat belching erupts from my bloody chops