A grave - robbed corpse is a souls disgrace, smother the decay of carcass into your face, Septic wash drowning in a retched river of excrement, shriek soundlessly, Eyeballs burst as skull begins to crush, heads now nothing but blood pulp and mush, Disemboweled abdominal organs internal, blood and guts run in pain so infernal Hopelessly swamped in gore Pathetically swamped in gore Horribly swamped in gore Gloriously swamped in gore, gore, gore, gore, etc....... Limbs are sloppily severed, your still alive cannot walk or grasp brain still registers, Belly slit intestines spill out upon the floor, in a few agonized hours life will be no more, At the moment your entangled in your entrails death comes bladder bowels let loose, voluntary organs fail, Bloated ripe cadaver, foul odor reek with might, breaks open easy maggots ooze everywhere [repeat chorus] Reek of meat mortis Scenes of gore are never ending as your engulfed in a death pit up to your neck in hellish bile Dead waste so vile, Fatty breakdown of flesh and organs after years fill this cesspool acidic paste eats your body, Toxic jelly from rot, Blood, pus, and liquids internal excrete into this mess vomit bubbles through your chest and neck, Swamped in gore, gore, gore, gore, etc......... Limbless on your back, all you do is bleed, castrated penis onto tongue, you must force feed, Disgusting flow of mucous bile and all digestive juices, blood, saliva, pus, urine, shit, and all vital fluids, Worse than hydrochloric acid is the fatty breakdown of flesh and organs fill the pit creating a vulgare paste, revolting vile rancorous goo eats you alive, soon you'll be another corpse, Swamped in gore...