Bride Adorned


Bride Adorned

On the edge of time 
We rise when worlds collide. 

Crimson beams of light 
Lead their way 
Illuminate the night 
Within the prey 

Free the holy land 
Heathens must die 
Raise your voices 
Heed all their cries 
Realise they shall die 

Follow the Blind one when 
Marching under a black flag 
We are seeking to find our way back, 
No more we have seen the light 
It is time to stand up and fight 
For pride 
For life 

Silent prayers are whispered 
We lust for life 
Our king shall reign for all time 

We shall remember 
This god-forsaken land has lost its way 
Last change surrender 
From dusk until the dawn 
We sing our songs and carry on in the night 

Give us our freedom 
O' Saviour of our people 
So that we may be joyful 
To have such a glory 
Who will reign in sovereignty. 
When all our enemies will be 
As free as 

We are under your rule 
When gone are all the fools 
Who are misguided 
Like the ones we have guarded 
For eternity