The parade of the quaternary symbiosis Token of a divided existence Univocal sense of the hallow consistence A silver stream of cryonics stars The corrosion of the reality narcosis Negligence makes the future tense Axis bent into never ending continuance Exploring new ground, inverse and far Coequal nexus of neural perception Pre-eminent sample of hasting ions Inherit the Earth By the instinct of the fallen creation The bow of the axis, inversely Inherit the Earth Coequal nexus of native perspective Circular reminisce of history lair Inherit the Earth By the instinct of the rising creation To bend the axis, eternally Inherit the Earth Past, present and future Angles of thrice, fusion twice Fast, present and fierce Inherit the Earth By the instinct of the fallen creation The bow of the axis, inversely Inherit the Earth By the instinct of the rising creation To bend the axis, eternally Inherit the Earth