Most of you never been and never will go To Barcelona So I have to tell you what I now know About Barcelona 'Cause I met a woman there and went to her room In Barcelona By that thoughtless act I did map my own doom Oh oh Barcelona 'Cause you see, my wife and I we had gone there together To Barcelona And if I wanted to kill love I couldn't have done better Oh oh Barcelona Back in our hotel, she cursed and she screamed Barcelona So I threw her out the window to quiet her screams Oh oh Barcelona But she lived to divorce me and later in life Barcelona Now she found a good husband, but I found no wife Oh oh Barcelona Now I live alone and I reminisce often About Barcelona Until finally God's mercy calls me in my coffin Oh oh Barcelona Oh oh Barcelona Oh oh Barcelona Oh oh Barcelona Oh oh Barcelona (And in my coffin was laid a lot of women Making the body an instrument of curse And as the world rotted, dissolved into dirt So well it ended my ability to hurt She walked on me, her children played on me But eventually I was gone and happy)