Bonnie Prince Billy

With Cornstalks or Among Them

Bonnie Prince Billy

Where were you again tonight?
(with cornstalks or among them)
Moonless night my love burned bright.
(o out among them)
I�m not impressed by fields of cane.
Our house is good to me, and plain.
Happiness can live here still,
if coming back you only will.
Or I can fnd you out among
(o out among them)
and sleep next to you
and hear it sung
(o out among them).
I have saved enough that I can go.
But where to find you,
I don�t know.
Please to fnd me,
here I am
(with cornstalks or among them),
devoured by fields
unmade by man
(o out among them).
You love me still,
although it�s strange.
Will you love me if I change?
There was one life with you before,
and one life more,
and one life more.