Im sorry about the man on the street with no place to sleep, beggin´ for small change and something to eat And Im sorry about the people who walk by with shame in their eyes, and still they're too greedy to spare one dime Im sorry about the people who think that they deserve more than others, that their life is worth more than others Im sorry for the kids looking for someone to help them. And not just to yell at them And Im sorry that life isnt always what we ask for. And Im sorry that some always have less and some some have more. Im sorry about the feelings I hurt in you. But feelings just change Refrain And in the end (oh, Im sorry) Why cant it just be the way that we want it to be. In the end (oh, Im sorry), why cant we all stand up and all hold hands (Im sorry) why cant it just be the way that we want it to be in the end (oh, Im sorry) Im sorry about the kids whose parents have gone, and now we tell them, find your own way and just hold on. Im sorry about the endless discussions about war, skin, color, sex, religion and more Im sorry about the way we treat each other sometimes Or is it too much to ask that we help people and be kind? Sorry that the weather's not always right. We deserve bright sunshine in our souls and our lives. Sorry that life isnt always what we ask for, and Im sorry that someone always have less and some have more, Im sorry about the feelings I hurt in you, but feelings just change...... Refrain (2x)