For the mouth of the heretic be blessed His silken tongue doth line their ears with gold I am the prophesied antithesis of silence I breathe the raging winds of old Awaken ye spellbound children of the occident Beware the one who seeketh to sculpture your will Beveiled of face and of reptilian intent A herdsman is he to all man’s earthly ills And lo, fear doth flee as the air Hums with the songs of the dead Tremors sweep the heartland As lips do remember their names Serpents of the sickled star Silent and virulent Servants of the crucifix Restless pacifists Axioms of abraham Spiritual ransom May the gnashing of teeth for his treachery be heard! May the somniferous in devout ignorance be stirred! Unmask the rats The swindler lives With book in hand Of sword he speaks Thou art my foeman Soon shall the spell be broken Thou art death’s oathman A shepherd in wolven skin Cheap is his blood and cryptic his name Reigning one-eyed king of the blind He be a tyrant and he be a saint Cold captor of innocence Harken the return of ancient rites A synergy of earth and mind ablaze Fates scream with urgency in the night A storm of steel to grace the break of day