Bolesno Grinje

Èuvaj zdravlje

Bolesno Grinje

Èuvaj zdravlje
Only not to get sick , now when the health is business

You feel the pain , you visit your doctor
you get your antibiotics , the value of shares is growing
you pay when you get out
And if antibiotics don't help , they send you to private clynics
where you get skin broke
we've got to realize that the health care is nowdays business
don't go anywhere without money
'cause money is your health
What about little children
what about my old mother
nowday when the health is business
what about the old men
nowday when the health is business
what about my old mother
nowday when the health is business
You can swear,yell and break
you can argue and discuss what's wrong or wright
but nothing can ease your fuckin' pain

nowday when the health is business

you can swear at them
but nothing can ease your fuckin' pain