Your mind's set on leavin' To a house down a one way street Say you're gonna lock up all the doors And throw away the key Oh, but don't burn down the bridge, darlin' You just might wanna come back Cause the grass ain't no greener On the other side of the track Oh, you counted me out, before I could get to bat All the things are out-ta the Chevrolet Tomorrow night be drivin' a Cadillac But don't burn down the bridge, darlin' You just might wanna come back Cause the grass ain't no greener On the other side of the track Hey! All your so called friends Taught you how to cheat an' lie Now it seems like you gonna jump From the fryin' pan to the fire Oh, but don't burn down your bridge, darlin' You just might wanna come back Cause the grass ain't no greener On the other side of the track