Tom: C Date: Mon, 09 Mar 1998 21:23:22 -0500 From: LeRoy Paluzzi Career of Evil I tabbed the individual bits out first and they correspond with their respective numbers in the verses below. Bit 1 \---------------------------------------------\ \--5--5--5------------------------------------\ \--5--5--5------------------------------------\ \--5--5--5--------7--6------5-----------------\ \--7--7--7--5--7--------7------7---5----------\ \--5--5--5-----------------------------8--5---\ Bit 2 Drum Break \----------------------------------||-------------\ \-----------------------------7-7-7||-8-8-8-8-8---\ \-----------------------------7-7-7||-7-7-7-7-7---\ \-----------------------------7-7-7||-6-6-6-6-6---\ \--7--7--7--7--7--7--7--7--4--5-5-5||-7-7-7-7-7---\ \--5--5--5--5--5--5--5--5--2-------||-------------\ Bit 3 \-------------\ \--5-5-5-7----\ \--5-5-5-7----\ \--5-5-5-7----\ \--7-7-7-5----\ \--5-5-5------\ Bit 4 \---3--3--3--2--2--7----\ \---3--3--3--3--3--7----\ \---4--4--4--4--4--7----\ \---5--5--5--4--4--7----\ \---5--5--5--2--2--5----\ \---3--3--3-------------\ Bit 5 \---------------\ \--5-5-5-7-7-7--\ \--5-5-5-7-7-7--\ \--5-5-5-7-7-7--\ \--7-7-7-5-5-5--\ \--5-5-5--------\ Bit 6 \------------------\ \------------------\ \------------------\ \--7--6-----5------\ \--------7-----5---\ \-----------------5\ 1 I plot your rubric scarab, I steal your satellite 1 I want your wife to be my baby tonight 2 I choose to steal what you chose to show And you know I will not apologize Your mine for the taking 3 I'm making a career of evil (repeat three times) 1 Pay me I'll be your surgeon, I'd like to pick your brains 1 Capture you, Inject you, leave you kneeling in the rain 2 I choose to steal what you chose to show And you know I will not apologize Your mine for the taking 3 I'm making a career of evil (repeat three times) 4 I'd like your blue eyed horseshoe, I'd like your emerald horny toad I'd like to do it to your daughter on a dirt road 1 And then I'd spend your ransom money, but still I'd keep your sheep 1 I'd peel the mask your wearing, and then rob you of your sleep 2 I choose to steal what you chose to show And you know I will not apologize Your mine for the taking 3 I'm making a career of evil. 5 I'm making a career of evil (repeat seven times) Outro: 6