


I've died a 100 times before 
And I will do it again 
My body is my temple 
In which I rest 
But wait 'till I'm awake 
Do not worry child 
For your wrists are mine 
Cold and calculated suicide 
It's the future for you and I. 

You saw the whole in the Sun 
Giving you life 
And gracing your skin 
But do not fear sister 
For the eclipse is nigh 
Darkened millennial murders 
Show fear of the shadows of your past 
Smoke enough to witness 
The dusk come up from the north 

Narcotic overdose on demand 
Enabled to kill 

Cut away the poison womb of the whore 
And hate will breed forever more 
Disposing the infected flesh 
And morphine shots will numb the senses 
Returning the sin against the sinner 
As the skies are turning black 
Future demise 
Master planned attack 

Sing with me children 
Of the apocalypse 
Singing songs of alien 
Surrender and random murder 
Now probe the skin 
With the pen 
And let your scarlet ink flow again 
Leave your suicide notes behind 
And let the world inherit our grief and pain 

Grief and pain 

All solutions are gone 
So kiss it away 
Stab me now 
Crucified I'm guiding us 
Into a mass murder fury 
Tripping on the blood 
Of our enemies 
Here we stand, bleeding 
But everything's all right 
Now burn the past 
And let the whore 
Blow us anyway 
See us for what we are...DEAD