Cruising around in the butchermobile, I feel like a god Hacking away at fat, wretched slobs You make me angry, I'll chop-chop away, Prepare to meet my meatcleaver and a 30 ft. arterial spray! Chorus: 30 ft. arterial spray, With gore shooting upwards all fools shall pay! 30 ft. arterial spray leaving you a stump really makes my day! I'm out in the woods with a hammer and knife, Hunting fresh victims who look juicy, plump and ripe All day long I dream of oozing, glistening gore, God damn I can't need more, more and more! Chorus: 30 ft. arterial spray, blood-pumping jet stream is the only way! 30 ft. arterial spray, I'm a fucked up gorehound, what more can I say?