Racing down the road, In a street machine of splatter, Running you down is all that fucking matters! Got my foot pinned to your skull, Not splattering makes life dull! Ripping around I love to make this thing peel, Get ready you jerks, here comes the butchermobile! Chorus: Butchermobile, butchermobile I'll run you over and make you my meal Butchermobile, butchermobile Your guts look great smashed under my wheel It's equipped with blades, Knives, and a circular saw When it crushes a body You know GrindGore is the law It uses human blood as gas And always needs more, This kick ass thing Measures a 10 on the Gore score! Chorus: Butchermobile, butchermobile Look out for death when the tires squeal Butchermobile, butchermobile The wonderful thud of your bones against steel You loose total consciousness When you hit 4-wheel drive, My road trip is complete And now it's back to the HIVE!!