Ripped, on PCP laughing like a total freak Escaped lunatic is loose, Jay is pissed and on the juice Bradley family living in peace, soon to be cut up piece by piece Blood will spill on Thankgiving Day, runs over an old lady, get out of his way! Body By Death stab, crush, and kill Body By Death Jay gets his bloody fill Annoying little prick with his guitar, Electrocuted to death, while some jerk gets his head crushed in the hood of Jay's car Some clueless chicks get his on by some dumb as fuck cops, Broken bottle jammed in chest, while a head hits a rock Body By Death stabbed but still alive! Body By Death maniac laughs and grabs his knife! Homicidal rampage for no reason at all, just pumped up on steroids while killing and having a ball A mindless killing machine with no remorse, just blood-splattered rage and carnage and non-stop violent force! Home Sweet Home, Jay is riddled with bullets