Blood Ceremony

Ballad Of The Weird Sisters

Blood Ceremony

Outside the city walls
Where the darkest thickets grow
Returning home from foreign lands
We dreamt of our near homes
When at once we heard a-hissing
- was it a devil or a snake?
Had we heard the sounds of laughter
That dangerous women make?

Three hags our way stood staring
They beckoned us their way
We followed them along a hidden path
Towards their dwelling place
Inside a fire was burning
And a table had been laid
They offered us a strange brew
With a devil of a taste

My friend and I we had great thirst
We drank our cups bone dry
But stranger yet was the drink's effect
"It's witchery!" I cried
Eye of newt and mandrake root
The devil's foot in brine
A fever-dream took hold of me
Souls danced before my eyes

My treachery, my wicked lusts
The many stolen wives
The souls of those whom I had wronged
Shared tales of my past crimes
Indeed, I was not all alone
To hear their strangled cries
My fellow and these sisters
Through this my guild surmised

And lo, I saw what must be done
For the gallows called my name
I'd cut its tongue under a demon sun
Yea, in good health I'd remain
In a flash I drew my dagger
And my fellow screamed with pain
Then I turned upon the sisters
To them I did the same

At once the room it filled with blood
And the horror of their cries
This night a murder banquet
A feast of ruined lives
Possessed were they with fortune's gift
And yet they were surprised
Three sisters should have better known
Than to let this devil inside