Bliss Blood


Bliss Blood

He is the alpha and living omega,
Fears no obstacles, counts no costs;
Tall in stature, lean of leg,
Needs no one to tell him that he's the boss.
Reckless entanglements never snare him,
Unless his fingers are there on the snare;
Don't be surprised if you have to share him,
And you'd better be devil-may-care.

He is the alpha, mine is the delta
Conquered the moment he glanced my way;
All my defenses fled helter-skelter,
There on the banks, when the levee gave way.
Towering surge and the river ran backward,
Only a candle to light my demise;
Swaggering charm, not a second was awkward,
Beckoning flood and the waters still rise.

He is the alpha, the sun on my shoulder,
He is the fire that burns in the night,
He is the power which never grows colder,
He is the sound of impending delight.
I am the darkness that quenches the shadow,
I am the flower that blooms at the dawn;
I am the whisper that conquers the terror,
I am affection that goes on and on.