When the sky is burning, 
see the Moon falling down. 
On your right is lightning. 
See the war in the sky. 

Remember Brian, 
when it's time. 
Remember Brian. 

[Guitar solo]

All our empty heads 
discover the war in the sky. 
Don't need no revolution 
by the birthday of Brian. 

Remember Brian, 
when it's time. 
Remember Brian. 

When the end is nearing, 
see him hanging on the cross. 
A war in the sky 
now by the ending of Brian. 

Remember Brian, 
when it's time. 
Remember Brian.

Quando o céu se queimar, 
veja a lua cair para baixo. 
Em sua direita está o relâmpago. 
Veja a guerra no céu.

Recorde Brian, 
quando for tempo.
Recorde Brian.

[Guitar solo]

Todas nossas cabeças vazias, 
descubra a guerra no céu. 
Não necessite nenhuma volta
pelo aniversário de Brian.

Recorde Brian, 
quando for tempo.
Recorde Brian.

Quando a extremidade se aproximar, 
veja-o pendurar na cruz. 
Uma guerra no céu,
agora pelo ending de Brian.

Recorde Brian, 
quando for tempo.
Recorde Brian.