She's comin' back She's runnin' back But somewhere along the way She decided to play the whore In the mud once more Forgotten what He shed His blood for For her She was burnin' with a passion fire That soon became a mire of sin That locked her in Inside her self "Thou art become (O worst imprisonment!) The Dungeon of Thyslef." The chains chaffed She bled until she said Oh God, what have I become? "Myself my sepulchre. A moving grave." I am a slave once more A whore cryin' at your feet So incomplete... Baby unvamp is making a comeback She's starting to run back To the Father and the Son The only One who loves her unconditionally With Grace and Mercy She clings to the Cross of Death The Cross of Life Her only hope The Cross of Christ She remembers when she first met Him She was kickin' in a pool of her own blood Coughin' it up When He picked her up She gave self up And He raised her up Presented her to the Father without blame Made her His bride Gave her His name Erased the shame She's not the same! All we little unvamps Once were sluts, were whores, were tramps But now we are the Bride Of Jesus Christ She's growing She's teething And one day she'll bite you till you're dead! Dead! Dead! Alive! In Christ! Forgiven