Another voice, another choice To listen to words somebody said Another day I replay One too many doubts inside my head Am I strong Beautiful Am I good enough Do I belong After all That I've said and done Is it real When I feel I don't measure up Am I loved I'm running to the One who knows me Who made every part of me in His hands I'm holding to the One who holds me ‘Cause I know whose I am, I know who I am I am sure I am Yours Turning down Tuning out Every single word That caused me pain Unashamed And unafraid ‘Cause I believe You mean it when You say I am strong Beautiful I am good enough I belong After all ‘Cause of what You've done This is real What I feel No one made it up I am loved I am sure I am Yours I know who I am I am sure I am Yours Fearfully Wonderfully Perfectly You have made me I'm running to the One who knows me I'm holding to the One who holds me I am sure I am Yours And I know who I am