Round 11 In the middle of the H.O. game Sirens howling A panel truck put in flames And as the chase went on along deceptive ways The traitors were in full blast, putting out the trace Oh, the trace And when the set up suspect soon was found The real men of the break-in were unbound, unbound The judge was the offender and the witness was his aide All leakages were sealed to perpetrate the perfect raid The trial was entertainment by the judgement of the innocent No evidence came through, locked inside a Berlin model 32 In the outskirts In the quarters by the gas works wall Assassination of the one who had heeded the call And as the chase went on along deceptive ways The killers were in full blast, wiping out the trace Oh, yeah And when the set up suspect soon was found The real men of the murder were unbound, unbound The judge was the assassin and the witness was his aid All leakages were sealed to execute and to evade The trial was entertainment by the judgement of the innocent No evidence came through, locked inside a Berlin model 32 Decades later a discovery of hidden truth Cryptic writings in a safe of model 32 And though the case was over long gone prescribed The bigwigs and the renegades denied, denied The case had been running on deceptive ways The red tape scandal was secluded in the safe In the safe The judge was the offender and the witness was his aide All leakages were sealed to perpetrate the perfect raid The trial was entertainment by the judgement of the innocent No evidence came through, locked inside a Berlin model 32