got a vicar with a dice to see the world is not my size to breed a creed that keeps my mind from off this world for sure there´s a traitor without fear screamin´ truths into my ear yes I´ve surely got your point; please stay away anyhow CHORUS please don´t say you care, please don´t say you dare please don´t say you understand what I demand when all you see is nothing but your gain so don´t try to make me believe you care got a devil deep inside - take my hand when worlds collide to lead aside from all the views that penetrate my mind far to sell my inner soul - earn some money, gain control but lately I have come to hear me talkin´ to myself CHORUS please don´t say you care, please don´t say you dare please don´t say you understand what I demand when all you see is nothing but your gain so don´t try to make me believe you care there must be something else - far away there must be more to this - somewhere in my dreams is it hiding in my sleep ? am I made to never know ? where to go CHORUS please don´t say you care, please don´t say you dare please don´t say you understand what I demand when all you see is nothing but your gain so don´t try to make me believe you care don´t try to make me believe you care don´t try to make me believe you care