I.C. one female, Turn the sirens on, Just a small domestic situation, I.C. one female, Under surveillence, Heading northwards as the crow flies, But I still love you, I bloody well love you, I.C. one female, Not making any sense, Don't think she realises, The trouble that she's in, But I still love you, I bloody well love you, I still love you, I bloody well love you, I still love you, I bloody well love you to death, I still love you, I bloody well love you, I still love you, I bloody well love you, National hysteria, The final warning, She's heading northwards as the crow flies, But I still love you, I bloody well love you, I still love you, I bloody well love you, I still love you, I bloody well love you to death, I.C. one female, I.C. one female, I.C. one female, I.C. one female,