Behold the master race that now breathes through statues
That were left behind, structures, illuminated throughout time
Relics left to praise a lost race, these rocks breed change for all mankind
Without their knowledge, we know nothing at all

We are the shadow
We are the shadow: Bow
They are infinite

Get down on your knees, now you know subservience
We can never be compared to the greater ones
Get down on your knees
Weep at the excellence of the gods that have made us

Praise the sky that they came from
Breath, breath in their air
We have met with a force greater than our own, pay for your insolence
We have unlocked a door they meant to seal away

Now in the end of days, we know what the fuck we’ve done
We are nothing more than time
Behold the master race and all that they had known
Bastardize the ancient ruins of the ones that we have made our gods