You Thatcherites by name, lend an ear, lend an ear You Thatcherites by name lend an ear You Thatcherites by name, your faults I will proclaim, Your doctrines I must blame, you will hear, you will hear Your doctrines I must blame, you will hear You privatise away what is ours, what is ours You privatise away what is ours You privatise away and then you make us pay We'll take it back some day, mark my words, mark my words We'll take it back some day, mark my words The scabs they hide their faces in shame, yes in shame The scabs they hide their faces in shame They hide away in shame but we recall their names And they know they'll share the blame for it all, for it all They know they'll share the blame for it all Your leader she has gone to the Lords, to the Lords Your leader, she has gone to the Lords Your Leader she has gone, but she's left us Little John And he's barely hanging on by his nails, by his nails He's barely hanging on by his nails