Bill Miller


Bill Miller

I Praise You For the Rivers the Mountains and the Streams
I Praise You For the Eagle, the Visions and the Dreams
I Praise All Your Creations the Mountains and the Streams
I Praise You For the Eagle, the Visions and the Dreams

I Praise You For My Children the Mountains and the Streams
I Praise You For the Eagle, the Visions and the Dreams
I Praise You For My People the Mountains and the Streams
I Praise You For the Eagle, the Visions and the Dreams
The Visions and the Dreams, the Visions and the Dreams

Menominee Language:
Anishinabe = the People
Ma-nee Ta-haem = We Feel Good in Our Hearts
Wa-wa-non = We Thank You
Mau-ne-ka-ko-saw-te-wa = We Have Everything
Mah-maw-koh-ne-no = Our Father Up Above