Take me high, lay me low You know my thoughts before I know Lift me up when I'm down You watched my back when we were young You watched my back when we were young You stick around when we're old I'm sleeping sound when you're in the room You help me stay above the ground You said I couldn't take it, I wouldn't make it I hate to say it, oh, wait a minute I couldn't take it over it now You take me high, you lay me low You know my thoughts before I know I wore it out, you wore me down You watched my back when we were young You said I couldn't take it, I wouldn't make it I hate to say it, oh wait a minute I couldn't take it over it now He said I can't relate, it's all in your mind I hate to say it, oh, wait a minute I couldn't take it, oh, not to worry, over it now If I'm in trouble, you're the stone If I'm the sound, you're the song If I'm the thunder, you're the long If I'm the dust, you're the wall You said I couldn't take it, I can't relate Oh, wait a minute, I wouldn't say it Over the top, I wouldn't make it I hesitate, oh, wait a minute I hate to say it tonight, he's worth saving Oh, I didn't mean it, over it now You said I can't relate, you couldn't take it Oh, wait a minute, honey where's my money I hate to say it tonight, he's worth saving Over it now Lift me up when I'm feeling down Help me stay above the ground