This world, for me is such a lie And I'll flee for it's too much We consume, while taking shit as we spawn We S P A W N Pieces Is what they cut me into Pieces They feed on these pieces My generosity is peace-less And nothing's left to do or say But a due To find a prey Two years Been running scared through my own dreams Sip of this lost flood springs to my eye Sip of this life pumps into my vein Pushing me on For this beauty means nothing I can't help myself no more For these two years Are pushing me Take your sit this is not so right You can be alone Need to redefine Before... Two years Been running scared through my own dreams Sip of this lost flood springs to my eye Sip of this life pumps into my vein Pushing me on For this beauty means nothing I can't help myself no more For these two years Are pushing me D O W N