Bestial Warlust

Holocaust, Wolves Of The Apocalypse

Bestial Warlust

Looking down upon a planet 
Engulfed in weak morals 
I laugh in demise 
As I stare through unjust eyes 
I am like the ocean 
At day my moods wander in depths unknown 

The land is my battlefield 
And all you sheep my prey 

At nightfall my waves 
Destroy your futile race 
When you run I'll remain unseen 
When you sweat 
My hunger grows stronger 

The land is my battlefield 
And all you sheep my prey 

You mundane fool your life is mine, 
Before your pitiful tears touch the earth 
Your children will learn to be warriors 
On the land soiled by their parents blood 
If I had the power 
I would take all your 
Souls through a catalyst 
And incarnate you all 
One by one 
Into your messiah 
And crucify all you fuckers!!! 

The land is my battlefield 
And all you sheep my prey