Life has forsaken you,
Abandoned your heart,
Made of you a fallen angel.
You're sentenced to the dark,
Eternal wanderer,
To find the right path.

But feel the power in you,
Invincible heart,
And when comes the night…

Fly, Runaway, to the sky,
Under the moonlight,
Ride the eagle of endless night.

Fight, for the right,
To believe in things that can not be,
Keep the faith lying deep within your heart
And pray for it to win

Kill, cos this is your part,
In world's fairytale
In the merry go round of shadows.
Kill, cos this is the only way
for you to live,
for you to survive.

But feel the power in you,
Invincible heart,
And when comes the night…

Fly, Runaway, to the sky,
Under the moonlight,
Ride the eagle of endless night.

Fight, for the right,
To believe in things that can not be,
Keep the faith lying deep within your heart
And pray for it to win