On the night of twelve, all Devils drawn The prophecy intoned Adamantine gates pitched wide Heralds return to the throne Cursed god-adorers deny the beast in man Tooth and claw Of Hell possessed, alien elite Legion in arms to war - War! Vulpine serpents machinate Aggrandize alacrity Self-idolators, paragons De facto diversity We are Legion We are the horde Our own gods The overlords We are Legion We are the horde Our own gods The overlords We are Legion, we are the horde Myriad countless divisions Stand our ground as one Regimental throng of force Battalions that won Doubt will grant mental release Not truth to set you free Don't deny the inner beast Unleash Gerasene The Legion of the beast Welcome to our feast The ritual begins We are Legion, we are kin Open wide history's vault Herd culture cast away Regenerated gestalt We are not blind as they say Wolfpacks hunting loyally Cerberus Hellhounds We are Legion, many We are Legion crowned The Legion of the beast Welcome to our feast The ritual begins We are Legion, we are kin The ritual begins, we are Legion, we are kin Legion! "Which way is he, in the name of sanctity? If all the Devils of Hell be drawn in little And Legion Himself possessed him. Yet, I'll speak to him