Merchants, lawyers, artists and producers Every man's a poet seated in section A At this time of day She's filling them up and she's filling the coffee cups She glides around every eye attempting not to stare No we don't care Ooh marie How can I say something new to you? Ooh marie How can I say something new to you? Tuesday, thursday mornings in the same place She knows the names of all the regulars And greets them all with perfect poise They know her walk and which perfume she wears How she does her hair accordingly She serves them all a sweet sweet smile Oh but always the same smile Ooh marie How can I say something new to you? Ooh marie How can I say something new to you? One by one they always come They bring their gifts and notes of love But she looks so unshaken and calm Everyone can plainly see Marie smiling apathetically She says nothing more as she sighs She never bats an eye Ooh marie How can I say something new to you? Ooh marie How can I say something new to you?