Skip a rope skip a rope Aw listen to the children while they play Ain't it kinda funny what the children say They say we're gonna have another little baby in the fall I guess mom and daddy weren't a fightin' after all Skip a rope (Hey you shouldn't outta say that) Say what skip a rope that's the name of the song lady Ok I'll do the one about the income tax now The man came to see us bout our income tax Said we're gonna get some money back Daddy sorta grinnin' somethin's on his mind He sent the income tax man a Valentine Skip a rope skip a rope Oh listen to the children while they play yey yeh yah Uh I I forgot what I'm suppose to say (Skip a rope) tell a joke (skip a rope you dope) Tell a joke about a rope okay Did you hear the one about the near sighted rope That feel in love with a snake (Ah you messed up the punchline) Where's the punchline I ain't even seen a punchbowl You know I skip a lot You see the doctor gave me these pills He said take one a day for three days runnin' then skip a day And this is my day to skip I used to skip a well rope I even skipped a sick rope Heck I even tried to smoke a rope one time (Skip the jokes) thanks a lot (skip the jokes) Aw listen to the children while they play Ay ay ay it's nice you little group (Skip a rope) aw skip a smoke smoke a joke I think I'll skip over to the bar And enhale a little liquid libation there Might even have a cocktail while I'm over there