Begin Again

I Ws Nvr Yr Grlfrnd

Begin Again

This isn't fun anymore
The tour was over I died inside
I'm sorry, so very sorry
I know I'm not an easy catch to hold

How do I talk to you
Sometimes I shut you out
It's easy to disappear into a bottle or the pills I swallow

Do I disappoint you yet
Will you go or will you stay? What happens when I drink you away

These songs have no meaning
They've lost all feeling
I loved all of you and it was exhausting
Everything is changing
I'm not complaining
But it's still hard for me to see that you're happy without me

Blank page and clinched fist
Tell me how to get through this
It's easy to lose your vision when the path gets dark and the stairs become narrow
Do I disappoint you yet
Will you go or will you stay? What happens when I drink you away

These songs have no meaning
They've lost all feeling
I loved all of you and it was exhausting
Everything is changing
I'm not complaining
But it's still hard for me to see that you're happy without me

I just want to love myself I put my feelings on a shelf
I think its time to make a change

These songs have no meaning
They've lost all feeling
I loved all of you and it was exhausting
Everything is changing
I'm not complaining
But it's still hard for me to see that you're happy without me