BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! Nothing you can brew that can't be drunk Whiplash Absolut and blowing chunks Acting like a maniac, exploding feeling nears I'm queasy! No metal we can make ever has been made For poseurs there is no hope to be saved Tricks, sticks, and lipstick fix of Rikki Rocket makes me say You're cheesy! All you need is blood All you need is blood All - you - need - is - BLOOOOOD! BLOOD! Blood is all you need Nothing you can thrash that can't be thrashed Nothing you can smash that can't be smashed Through the mist and the madness the Metal Militia bangs They're sleazy! All you need is blood (C'MON! LET'S SEE YOU MOOOOVE!) All you need is blood (METALLIBANGERS, GO-OOOH-WOOOAH!) All - you - need - is - BLOOOOOD! BLOOD! Blood is all you need Blood is all you need Blood is all you need . . . WE LOVE YOU! YEE-AAH! YEE-AAH! YEE-AAH!