We hail you aryan soldiers For your bravery in war For your gallantry in action For the uniform you wore For your courage everlasting We hail your strength and pride Guide us through this darkest hour To victory we ride. Your dedication was unsurpassed You fought to make us free You swore to fight to the bitter end To claim our destiny With gun and knife or sword and shield Your mission it was clear To save our race from tyranny And the lands you hold so dear. We salute you We raise our hands towards the sky We salute you For the blood that keeps our race alive We salute you For giving us a brighter day We salute you Your sacrifice was not in vain. To those that opposed you You brought them to their knees For over 2000 years Your mercy they would plead But none would be given To those of another kind When you fight with the white race Death is what you'll find.