
Directory Assistance


There's someone that I know would like to talk to you 
There's someone that I know who gave His life for you 
His love is best of all; He'll hear you if you call 
The phone's never off the hook in heaven 

Don't need no operator or assistance line 
He's paid the charge; salvation won't cost you a dime 
Hey, you can call collect; go ahead and dial direct 
The phone's never off the hook in heaven 

His hotline's always open 
He leaves His hotline open, waiting just for you 
He'd love for you to call 
So go ahead and call, and let His love break through 

Long distance rates are great; it's free, no need to wait 
The phone's never off the hook in heaven 
His love is best of all; He'll hear you if you call 
The phone's never off the hook in heaven