The moaning of the heathen trees Through the pathways of the forest deep As she's walking by the flowing stream Like the spirits there she wants to creep Listening to the wind that's calling Coming from the caves Rising from the earth Offering her soul Her soul is floating Slowing as the river As the dying breath Sail away beyond the weeping clouds Filling with rain your journey home The end lying ahead Far from the sounds Close your eyes and bleed no more Her life in wisdom's crystal Like the wine which made me drunk Leave now, meet your fate Chase the stars, the wildest hunt Sinful ghost in beauty adored Wiping from the memories and lore Welcome home to those who crawl The faithful to the crying shore Sail away beyond the weeping clouds Filling with rain your journey home The end lying ahead Far from the sounds Close your eyes and bleed no more Offering her soul Her soul is floating Slowly as the river As the dying breath Sail away beyond the weeping clouds Filling with rain your journey home The end lying ahead Far from the sounds Close your eyes and bleed no more