Look at the sky, your selfishness exploded the sun What I'd tell to my son, when he see me with a gun? You've ignored your honor, no place to wonder What I'll do to contain the disorder has begun [Refrain] This is a new type of war Eradication to fill you mouth with ignorance Trying to get through... We're gonna fight anyway We have the sword in hands, our heart is untamed Politicians again! No medication can cure you goddam pride Civilization is going fucking blind Just only one of us, walks away this mess You asked my vote, and I can't see any progress Look at this country is burning down Scared population call [Refrain] This is a new type of war Eradication to fill you mouth with ignorance Trying to get through... We're gonna fight anyway We have the sword in hands, our heart is untamed Politicians again! Explode! I see the waves swallow the towns While industry killer is parting around The only number makes some difference I have been fight so long for independence [Refrain] This is a new type of war Eradication to fill you mouth with ignorance Trying to get through We're gonna fight anyway We have the sword in hands, our heart is un(fuckin)tamed Politicians again