If heaven does exist, I know where it is Off the coast of California Come on! Let's get shitty! Fuck you for being so pretty Those days I'll never forget Take chances, fuck regret So drunk I hit my head Thank fuck I'm in your bed Just hope I get it up Maybe not I'm super fucked HEY! You've gotta make your move You've got no time to lose God damn those legs were smooth We were all such shitty dudes If heaven does exist, I know where it is Off the coast of California Best friends will never fade They'll be there when you get played The sex was so good the neighbors were smoking Back in the day When it was so easy Stealin booze from my parents stash Hittin all the parties and getting smashed Come on! Let's get shitty! Fuck you for being so pretty Those days I'll never forget Take chances, fuck regret You've gotta make your move You've got no time to lose God damn those legs were smooth We were all such shitty dudes If heaven does exist, I know where it is Off the coast of California Best friends will never fade They'll be there when you get played The sex was so good the neighbors were smoking Don't give up! If heaven does exist, I know where it is Off the coast of California Best friends will never fade They'll be there when you get played The sex was so good the neighbors were smoking