War! War! Beat of the war... War! War! Beat of the war... Gumeun moor ahraero Juhk upsee salajinae Ddo dareun eummohwah gashikdeel hahnsoommahn eeuhjineun Gananhahn yahkja (eun oori) Beat of the war Ahnilago malhajima Saekyaereul sammyuh Ddo dareun parkgwah yohkshimgwah shindeel naneun geujuh nareul ji Beat of the war War! War! Beat of the war... War! War! Beat of the war... Pyungyuneuro bomyuh Oojooeiae ppajyuh ppajyuh Jiwhiga dago oodae, nanchae haneun guhtdeel (saesahngei bulhwah) Beat of the war Dareun guhseul injunghaneun guhs Moh~ deen deelee juhkjuhlhahn Goht~ eul chajgaeha neunguhseeya malro hwahei saesahng Beat of the war Uhnjae kilee kkeutnalneunji jichyuh hajima Miraewah gwahguhga mahnnaneun gohtee kkeuteeya Naeileul whihae yorihaki whihahn aesuh Mahneun guhtdeel joong joongyohahn guhseun bahro gotohngeeya Goolbokeelan danuhneun jinro haji ahnah Oorineun mahnggakeul dooryuhwuhhahnda Go~tohnggwah piroinhae jahkah jineungae ahninji Dooryuhwuh hago eesda Yuhljungeelan danuhmahnee oorideelei uhnuh oorin ahpeuro nagal ppoon namoo bahwhideelgwah mahtsuhsuhneun moorchuhrum ssahwuhya haneun jigeumeun now we are Beat of the war... Never me... Never Land... Cross Tiger keep'in underground I'll be there for you know that One day, as know that we begin Never die... Never crue... Cross Tiger keep'in to my world Once as we gather day Unite force again Revolution War! War! Beat of the war... War! War! Beat of the war... War! War! Beat of… Beat of… Beat of… Beat of… Beat of the war