Where there is oppression, there will be rebellion This is the science of revolution When injustice grows and massifies (If repression grows, it intensifies) We are in the right (There is no other option) Rebellion is justified We are the most intimate feeling of the people The hatred of the majority fed up with this hellhole Welcome are the stones against tanks In Palestine the Intifada is growing All over the world, riots are growing India, Greece, Syria, or the people of Turkey (Kurdish) Oppressed nations, those of the Third World They rise up against the latifundia Final-phase capitalism, called imperialism, in crisis agonizes The superpower that is coming to devastate United States Bloody Uncle Sam It extends its military presence and force to all the countries it seeks to exploit Examples are militias, ground troops, the Yankees' armies in the Middle East Ukraine invading, encircling Eastern Europe, imposes itself on Russia, proves that it is stronger The imperialisms fight each other, plundering resources as their spoils With the World Bank he will strangle us, International Monetary Fund regulates that reforms leave everything ready to serve the rich and imperialism Where there is oppression, there will be rebellion This is the science of revolution When injustice grows and massifies We are in the right: Rebellion is justified In our country live the worms, be they senate or fucking deputies Outside the parliament we'll protest, let's close down the old scorpion cave forever Fishermen fight for subsistence so as not to die under the Longueira law It forces determined and violent protest An oar in Zaldivar's snout haunts him The struggle of students for free education at the service of the population Today he has 3 comrades murdered, for them and the political prisoners, let's throw the State out To combat the fierce repression, street fighting is the solution We are students, we are not pacifists, long live the anti-imperialist struggle The Rankilko community is an example of Mapuche struggle, recovering land, that is its context Tralkatün for the GOPE , ready for the Awkan Shouting all together Amulepe Taiñ Weichan (Our struggle continues) Because of crying, we poor people get together With all their lies, they forced us We understood that in order to win The people need a people's war Where there is oppression, there will be rebellion This is the science of revolution If repression grows, it intensifies There is no other option Rebellion is justified Peasant, proletarian, neighborhood brother who fights daily against the old state and its lackeys, corrupt state officials will be rejected with organized red and revolutionary party Stones to the police, dogs with no class conscience, we expose snitches, never with our arms crossed This situation is going to shit, from below they don't want to live like beasts anymore Re-taking Recabarren we lead the unified struggle to the end, as was done in Ranquil Based on worker-peasant alliance, Mapuche and students all go to the top It will be symptomatic of the state to overthrow bureaucratic capitalism and semi-feudal We are not independent, keep it in mind, in prolonged struggle we must be brave This is the revolutionary violence that will quickly change the old society of weeping and grief from its very core For Communism we raise our voices Where there is oppression, there will be rebellion This is the science of revolution When injustice grows and massifies (If repression grows, it intensifies) We are in the right: (There is no other option) Rebellion is justified